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Dice Raiders in Temple of Anubis
Unravel the secrets of the past with Dice Raiders

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1 - 4

8 +

20 - 45





Lizard King

Unravel the secrets of the past with Dice Raiders: In Temple of Anubis.
Step into the shoes of a fearless adventurer, following in the footsteps of archeology heroes like Jones and Croft! In this game, you are one of the on a quest to solve the mysteries of the ancients hidden within the Temple of Anubis. You will need to use your strategic thinking to overcome obstacles and challenges as you explore the temple and uncover its secrets. With its engaging gameplay, unique mechanics, and immersive theme, Dice Riders is a game that will keep you coming back for more. So why wait?
Play the game and explore this amazing place.

Dice Raiders is a Roll and Write Print and Play game. You will roll the dice and decide what puzzle you will try to tackle in each round. Each of them will give you points in a different way, so you need to decide ahead what you will be focusing on. However, you must adapt to the movements of your opponents, as they can undermine your plan. You want to be the most clever one among the fellow explorers.

Game is prepared for 1 to 4 players in mind, and is great for each number of players. Solitaire mode had special “Independant Explorer” mechanics that will give the challenge for solo players. On average, players can expect to spend around 20-30 minutes playing the game.

Provided components:
- game sheet in color,
- game sheet in low ink,
- solo mode game sheet in color,
- solo mode game sheet in low ink,
- files for digital play,
- rulebook,
Needed components:
- Colored pencil for each player
- Dice (2 pcs.)


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